Friday, January 3, 2020
Use Spanish Words for Pets to Become Fluent
If you are looking for someone to talk inà Spanish with, how about talking directly to your pet? Learning Spanish can be easy with ongoing practice ââ¬â even with your pet dog or cat. There are benefits of talking to an animal over a human. You will not get any nasty corrections, and you willà get a chance to practice talking without any interruptions. Plus, even when you make a mistake, yourà pet will still be there unconditionally throughout your Spanish-language learning journey. Learn how to say phrases referring to pets in Spanish. Phrases Referring to Pets in Spanish Note that a pet in Spanish can be referred to as una mascota,à the same word used for a mascot, such as an animal symbolizing a team. The term unà animal domà ©sticoà and the adjective domà ©stico can also be used to mean pet as an adjective, as in un perro domà ©stico, a pet dog. Additionally, the phraseà un animal de compaà ±Ã aà and the phrase de compaà ±Ã a can be appended to an animals name to indicate it is a pet. Remember that most of the time the genders given below for animals remain the same, whether the particular animal is male or female. Canary: el canarioCat: el gatoPopular cat types include:el bobtailel gato de pelo largo (long-hair)el gato persa (Persian)el gato de pelo corto (short-hair)el gato siamà ©s (Siamese)Chinchilla: la chinchillaCockatoo: la cacatà ºaDog: el perroPopular dog breeds include:el dogo argentinoà (Argentine dog)el terrierel perro San Bernardo (St. Bernard)el caniche (poodle)el xoloitzcuintle (Mexican hairless)el mastà n (mastiff)el perro esquimal (husky)el gran danà ©s (great Dane)el galgo/la galga (greyhound)el dà ¡lmata (Dalmatian)el perro salchicha (dachshund)el collieel bulldogel bà ³xer (boxer)el sabueso (bloodhound or beagle)el basset (basset hound)un chuchoà is a muttFish: el pez. A tropical fish is un pez tropicalFrog: la ranaGerbil: el jerbo, el gerboGuinea pig: la cobayaHamster: el hà ¡mster (usually pronounced as jà ¡mster; plural can include either versionsà hà ¡msters or hà ¡msteres)Horse: el caballoIguana: la iguanaLizard: el lagarto, la lagartijaMouse: el ratà ³nParakeet: el pericoParrot: el papagayo, el loroï » ¿Rabbit: el conejoRat: la rataSalamander: la salamandraSnake: la serpienteSpider: la araà ±aTortoise, Turtle: la tortuga Talk to Your Pet in Spanish After discovering what to call your pet in Spanish, you can progress to learning theà animal soundsà your pets might make, just in case they do make some noises or otherwise talk back to you while you are speaking to them in Spanish.
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